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The Hueco Mundo Cup Christmas Special is as the title states, a special christmas episode as part of the Hueco Mundo Cup series created by dubmasterdub. The voices were provided by Alex and Jose.

The episode starts with a scene of Sosuke Aizen and Gin Ichimaru. Gin in his normal cheerful voice, wants Aizen to open a gift he got for him. Aizen; speaking in a normal voice without the uses of an echo machine (this is because in the episode before this special, his voice machine broke and he refuses to let anybody, but Orihime, Gin, and Ulquiorra to hear his regular voice) however refuses and tells Gin to go celebrate Christmas with the Espada and Arrancars without him. However, Gin insists and Aizen finally decides to open his gift. Much to his joy, the gift is a new echo machine. Aizen immediatly tries it out as Gin giggles in happiness.

The scene then switches to Grimmjow narrating the episode referring to himself in the 1st person and calling himself "the sad one". He expresses that he is upset because the Arrancars never celebrate his birthday (which ironically is Christmas Day). However following this statement, all the Espada immediatly scream "Happy Birthday Grimmjow". Grimmjow immediatly expresses his happiness that they remembered and puts on a Santa hat saying that "this is the new me; the happy me, all sane and stuff".

Nnoitora then tells Zommari to sing the first Christmas song; finishing the statement saying "Soul Candy". Zommari then proceeds to sing a rendition of "12 Days Of Christmas"

The lyrics are as followed (sung in the rendition of "12 Days of Christmas)

Zommari: On the first day of Christmas, Uqluiorra gave to me...

Uqluiorra: A freshly baked, non-trash, turkey! Trash, trash!

Zommari: On the second day of Christmas, Nnoitora gave to me...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Uqluiorra: and a freshly baked, non-trash turkey! Trash, trash, trash!

Zommari: On the third day of Christmas, Ichimaru gave to me...

Gin Ichimaru: Three Chuck Norris Films

Nnoitra: Two purple crayons...

Uqluiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash turkey!

Zommari: On the fourth day of Christmas, Aporro gave to me...

Aporro: Four Prada man-bags...

Gin: Three Chuck Norris Films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons....

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked non-trash turkey!

Zommari: On the fifth day of Christmas, Aizen gave to me...

Aizen: Five totally necessary meetings (an obvious reference to Bleach Episode 145's Espada meeting)

Apporo: Four prada man-bags...

Gin Ichimaru: Three Chuck Norris Films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons....

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, turkey!

(Aizen comes in with a Santa Beard)

Aizen: Ho, Ho, Ho! Santa is here!

Zommari: On the sixth day of Christmas, the Old Guy gave to me...

The Old Guy (Barragan): WATER...WATER...

Aizen: Five totally necessary meetings....

Aporro: Four prada man-bags...

Gin:Three Chuck Norris films....

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, turkey!

Zommari: On the seventh day of Christmas, Harribel gave to me...

Harribel: Seven packs of Trident....

The Old Guy: WATER....PLEASE!!!!

Aizen: Five totally, necessary, meetings....

Aporro: Four prada man-bags...

Gin: Three Chuck Norris films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, turkey!

(Aizen walks in with Santa beard)

Aizen: Ho, ho, ho my Espada, Santa Claus is here!

Zommari: On the eighth day of Christmas, Grimmjow gave to me...

Grimmjow: Eight denem jeans...

Harribel: Seven packs of Trident...

The Old Guy: WATER...SOMEONE!!!

Aizen: Fiiiiiiive, totallyyyyy, necessaryyyyyyyy, meetingssssssssss.....

Aporro: Four prada man-bags....

Gin: Three Chuck Norris films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons....

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, trukey!

(Scene switches to Ichigo, Ishida, and Uryuu whom are all exahusted and upset.)

(Scene switches back to Las Noches)

Zommari: On the ninth day of Christmas, Aaroniero gave to me....

Aaroniero: Nine nuclear warheads...

Grimmjow: Eight denem jeans...

Harribel: Seven packs of Trident...

The Old Guy: LETS DRINK THE JAR HEAD (referring to Aaroniero)

Aizen: Five, five, five, five, five, totally necessary meetings!

Aporro: Four prada man-bags...

Gin: Three Chuck Norris films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash turkey! Trash, trash, trash!

(Next scene shows Aizen in a Christmas sled pulled by Reindeer flying over Las Noches and then switches back inside)

Zommari: On the tenth day of Christmas, Starrk gave to me...

StarrK: Fuck this, I'am not gonna do it....

Aaroniero: Nine nuclear warheads

Grimmjow: Eight denem jeans...

Harribel: Seven packs of Trident...

The Old Guy: WATER...PLEASE!!!!

Aizen: Five totally necessary meetings...

Aporro: Four prada man-bags

Gin: Three Chuck Norris Films....

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, turkey!

Zommari: On the eleventh day of Christmas, Tousen gave to me...

Tousen: Eleven Ricky posters (poster of what looks like Rick Astley)

Starrk: Tousen, you are such a f-----!

Aaroniero: Nuclear warheads...

Grimmjow: Eight denem jeans...

Harribel: Seven packs of trident...

The Old Guy: Water....Ehhhhh...

Aizen: Five totally necessary meetings...

Aporro: Four Prada man-bags...

Gin: Three Chuck Norris films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons...

Ulquiorra; And a freshly baked, non-trash, turkey!

Zommari: (in a soul-full and slow voice) On the twelth, day of Christmas, Yammy gave to me....

Yammy: Twelve Urukioras (how he says Ulquiorra)

Tousen: Eleven Ricky posters....

Starrk: (remains silent)

Aaroniero: Nine nuclear warheads....

Grimmjow: Eight denem jeans....

Harribel: Seven packs of Trident....

The Old Guy: Ehhh.....WATA....Ehhh...

Aizen: Five totally necessary meetings...

Aporro: Four man-bags..

Gin: Three Chuck Norris films...

Nnoitora: Two purple crayons! (Then giggles in a Beavis-like manner for six seconds)

Ulquiorra: And a freshly baked, non-trash, non trash at all people, turkey! Trash, trash, trash!

Nnoitora: Eh he he, Soul Candy!

Ulquiorra; Trash, trash, trash!

Grimmjow: I wanted a pie!

Ulquiorra: Trash, trash!

Stark expresses his dislike of the song and demands that someone get the Old Guy some water because he has become annoying. Aizen comes in pretending to be Santa, but it seems that only Yammy believes thinks Aizen is Santa. Starrk insults Yammy's intelligence, but Yammy insists that it is Santa and says Ulquiorra told him so. The scene then shows Uqluiorra wearing reindeer antlers and Yammy believes Ulquiorra is a reindeer and asks him what happened to Ulquiorra. Aizen then suggest Yammy sing the next song. Nnoitora then tells Yammy that he will be his back up in the song. The two then sing their rendition of Jingle Bells

The lyrics are as follows and are sung in rendition to Jingle Bells

Yammy: Urukiora! Running through Las Noches, early Christmas day, hollows gather here laughing all the way

(Nnoitora laughs in Beavis fashion)

Yammy: Strong we are this year, the shinigami fear, I've been fairly good this year hope Santa comes today.


Nnoitora: Eh, Soul Candy!

Yammy: Jingle Bells, gifts are here, Santa finally came! Oh what fun it is to be an Arrancar in these days, Jingle Bells, gifts are here, Santa finally came! Aizen where are you? Come quick, you'll miss Santa's display!

Nnoitora: Eh, he, I hope Santa brought me Soul Candy!

Yammy: Yay, Christmas, Christmas! URUKIORA!!!!

Starrk continues his rant on Christmas and asks if Harribel wants to leave with him. She tells him "don't ruin it for the children". Starrk is surprised by this response and proceeds to say everyone in the room is 2,000 years old except for the Old Guy who is like a billion years old. The Old Guy then confesses that he met Jesus. Grimmjow then proceeds to sing his rendition of Joy To The World.

The lyrics are as follows and are sung in rendition to Joy To The World

Grimmjow: (clears throat)

Yammy: Urukiora!

Grimmjow: Yammy that is not part of my song!

Yammy: Oh, can I at least sing back up for you?

Grimmjow: Eh okay, just a little bit.

Yammy: OKAY!

Grimmjow: Joy to the world, Luppi is dead; my hand went through his chest! I hit him with a Cero blast; disintegrated it's upper half, that freaky thing had to go, female or male no one knows, bitch took my Espada spot that is why she had to go. Or a he, I don't know....

(scene then shows a picture of Luppi with the female and male symbols flashing finally ending with a question mark)

Grimmjow: Joy to the world, Luppi is dead! My hand went through his chest! Demonic she-male had to go, it scared me more than Michael's nose. Tousen I mentioned you, so don't say I don't love you. Bitch took my Espada spot that is why she had to go. Or a he or and it, I don't know...

Ulquiorra: Trash, trash, Grimmjow I baked you a pie!

Grimmjow: You baked me a pie?!? Yay, hahahaha, YAY! Merry Christmas, heheheh!

Starrk: Fuck Christmas!

Scene switches back outside to Ichigo, Chad, and Ishida whom are apparently cold. Ishida suggest they hug each other to stay warm, but Ichigo is quick to refuse the offer. Ishida then says that he and Chad will do it then, but Chad refuses and shouts profanities in Spanish at Ishida.

Scene then switches back to Las Noches. Aizen then asks Starrk why he is so cold to his Espada brothers and why he doesn't celebrate Christmas. Starrk then replies that he is Jewish, much to Aizen's shock.
