Outlaw Star Abridged is a parody series of the cult classic anime Outlaw Star. The series is produced by Airrest and is voiced by Team XGP. It is a direct parody meaning that the original plot remains relatively unchanged. Character personas are played-up from the original anime, and most voices are derived from the English dub by Bandai.
The series is written and produced by Airrest and the screenplay is edited by several Team XGP members including Trixen, Serenity Frost, Lordlmao, and Airrest, with other varying cast members each episode. All video and audio editing is done by Airrest. Special images and animations have also been used from friends of the cast including "Camron23", "MsDBZbabe" and "The Random Collective" among others.
Cast List[]
Airrest - Harry MacDougall, Swanzo the Corbanite, various voices
Trixen - Gene Starwind, Old Man Pirate, Hilda, Narrator (episode 2 onward), various voices
dimensioncr8r - Jim Hawking, "Bug Eyes" (Episodes 3,4), various voices