Ah it's alright and Hm..well currently it's a 2-1(2-2 if you count that person who keeps deleting the thread). We're gonna need a tiebreaker of sorts.
Yeah. Anyway, Matt, what's your decision?
They will mention us on their wiki. They already have a few affiliates of their own.
Turns out that they are recording lines as of late September. But two members left the group. Editing does take time. You can like them on Facebook here for updates: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Something-Witty-Entertainment/196764863781239
^ Yeah. Abridging takes a lot of time now a days. Anyway, I don't know if ANY of us would know what SAO abridged series you are talking about.
After Darksidecorparted went down, all YGXTAS's episodes are on Xthedarkone's YouTube.
Wrong place to put this, :/. Anyway, I don't watch it so I don't know.
Hmm...Okay fine. 2012 Abridged Series Wiki Awards xD
Voting Starts in May..